David Hurth's Blog

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Remember only One Password with Agatra

Agatra is a great system that allows you to only remember one password as the system will keep all of your other passwords for you. The service is constantly adding new websites to make it more valuable. The passwords are kept secure using an encrypting method (much like the method that is used to make passwords secure on D.E.H. Software's COMMPort - http://commport.dehsoftware.com) and using a SSL connection. The service is very useful and I would highly recommend using it.

Let me know what your thoughts are on this website and if you think it is secure and useful. I look forward to your comments.

On a slightly unrelated note:
COMMPort will be adding Soduku and a calendar in the COMMApps portion of the site.

Friday, March 17, 2006

My First Post

This is my first blog entry, so it might not be very interesting. My name is David Hurth and I'm the creator of COMMPort, the community portal. I have been developing software/web sites professionally for over 9 years, but I started programming at the age of 12 on an old 8086 PC using GW-Basic. Since this time I have created a number of software programs including multiple internationally published video games. Lately I have been extremely interested in "Web 20." applications. Due to this interest I will be posting information about many interesting web applications in the coming weeks. The first of these posts will be about my work on COMMPort and after that post I will be posting information about various applications that are linked to from the applications window in COMMPort. I hope that you will enjoy these posts.

David Hurth
D.E.H. Software