David Hurth's Blog

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Biggest Threats to Digg - Part2

This is the second part in a series about Digg "Clones" and the reasons that Kevin Rose might need to keep a watch on these services.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Biggest Threats to Digg

This is the first part in a series about Digg "Clones" and the reasons that Kevin Rose might need to keep a watch on these services.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Bill Gates: Vista is so secure it could run life support systems.

" While on a trip in Europe, Bill Gates claimed Vista is so secure and reliable that it could even run life support systems in hospitals. Would you let your life in Vista's hands? "

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55% Of People Regularly or Always Fake Their Web Identity

After 511 votes so far, an astonishing 55% of respondents say they regularly or always use fake Web identities. Just 12% of people said they always use their real identity.

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What was the first thing ever sold on eBay?

EBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar in 1995. Though he's now a billionaire (of course), Pierre started AuctionWeb (as it was then known) as a simple "side hobby." In late '95, Pierre made history when he sold eBay's first item -- a broken laser pointer he had originally bought as a cat toy.

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Bill Gates' To-Do List

It's still a year before Bill Gates shifts from a full-time Microsoft worker to a part-timer. Which is good, because there's plenty he still wants to achieve.

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