David Hurth's Blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

After Web 2.0, follow the rise from simple search to the Search Engine 2.0

"As the internet evolved, search engines couldn't stay far behind. This is why the world of the Search Engines seems to have upgraded to 2.0."

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Why "Yahoo" Is The #1 Search Term On Google

Google Trends indicates that the search term "Yahoo" is more popular than "sex", making it the #1 query on Google. Yahoo apparently faces a similar dilemma with roles reversed: When you search for "Google" on Yahoo, Yahoo thoughtfully displays a *second* search box as if to tell you, "Hey cutie, you have a search engine right in front of you!"

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Google Fourth-Quarter Earnings Nearly Triple to $1.03 Billion

Google reported today that its fourth-quarter profit nearly tripled from a year ago as the world's most popular search engine continued to expand its dominant role on the Web, especially in the highly lucrative area of online advertising.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Upgrading to Vista? Don't Delete XP

Vista is almost in consumers' hands, but techies don't have to wait for the official launch to find things to complain about.

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The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines

We all know and use Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Ask. But here's a list of 100 more that add their own unique slants to organizing the Web for you. You might find one or a few that improve your search life.

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It's growth 2.0 for Silicon Valley

For first time since 2001, energy and technology jobs are being created in the Valley. Report shows 33,000 jobs created.

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Courts use Wikipedia!

....but selectively. More than 100 judicial rulings have relied on Wikipedia, beginning in 2004, including 13 from circuit courts of appeal.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Vista just got owned

OK that's pretty funny....

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Apple Special Event On February 20!

The first of what will be many reports of the upcoming Apple Special Event where Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) and iLife/iWork, and updated Macs will be announced.

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FreeNAS makes it easy to add storage to home networks

FreeNAS is a small, powerful, full-featured implementation of FreeBSD as a network-attached storage device. It's powerful enough to be used in the enterprise, but it's friendly enough so that even a typical home office user can take advantage of it.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Anatomy of MySQL on the GRID

A discussion of MediaTemple's Digg-proof Grid server running Mysql.

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22% of Windows Installs Non-Genuine

Since WGA launched in July 2005, over 512 million users have attempted to validate their copy of Windows, Microsoft said. Of those, the non-genuine rate was 22.3 percent. 56,000 reports have been made by customers of counterfeit software, which grants that user a free replacement copy of Windows.

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Google finds Digg stories Faster than Digg

Finding your old stories with Digg’s Search vs. Google. Guess who wins?

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All Wikipedia Links Are Now NOFOLLOW

No more Spam for wikipedia. To bad the good sites won't get value from being linked but this will surely make spammers less interested in this great encyclopedia.

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Universal Has Broken Zune's Wireless Feature: Please Help Us Fight Them!

I am asking everyone to help us in our campaign to stop Universal from taking away the rights of their customers music. Wither your like or don't like the Zune, please put the fanboy-ism aside and help fight against something we all know is wrong. If we allow them to win, they only think they're in the right, and everyone loses.

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Google Maps Gets Lost, Refuses to Ask for Directions

Google Maps just can't find the direction to an address, and instead keeps making U-Turns. See for yourself.

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SmugMug: The (Anti) Web 2.0 Company

SmugMug CEO Dan MacAskill, who has said “maybe I just don’t get this ‘Web 2.0′ term” in the past, is proceeding to teach those of us who claim to know exactly what it means a thing or two. The company launched a suite of stunning new features tonight.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Google breaks ceasefire with eBay

The two companies were always destined to compete; and the ceasefire is now over.

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Dispute Over Wiki.com Domain

Wiki vendors Wikia and MindTouch appear to be wrangling over the wiki.com domain, which was bought last year by entrepreneur John Gotts for a staggering $2.86 Million. After purchasing it, Gotts partnered with MindTouch, but Wiki.com currently re-directs to Wikia. Who is running wiki.com now?

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Just How Big Is Google Reader?

It’s hard to know exactly how popular it
’s gotten. Feedburner doesn’t track it yet, so we can’t compare the subscriber numbers to other readers. We’ve noticed a significant jump in referrals from Google Reader, though. Enough to suggest that it is as large or larger than Bloglines already.

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Google wants to Be Your Internet!!!!!

Google controls more network fiber than any other organization. This is not to say that Google OWNS all that fiber, just that they control it through agreements with network operators. I find two very interesting aspects to this story: 1) that Google has acquired -- or even needs to acquire -- so much bandwidth, and; 2) that they don't own it!

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What Happened to Microsoft Class of 1978?

You've seen the picture. The first time you saw it, you had a hard time believing it was even legit. Bill Gates & Paul Allen are recognizable in the photo but what who are the rest of these people and what happened to them?

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First Person in U.S. Convicted for Spam E-mailing

A report on the Mercury News revealed that a man from Los Angeles has been criminally convicted of spam e-mailing and is the first person to be convicted of such a crime in the U.S. Forty-five year old Jeffery Goodin was found guilty of running a running scam that fooled users into giving out personal information.

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Woot Awards for CES 2007

Woot.com hands out a nice set of awards, complete with humorous pictures.

"No mere mortal could see more than a fraction of the vast 2007 Consumer Electronics Show, so we don't pretend that this is a definitive list. But here are our choices for the 2007 CES Wootable Awards."

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Labels Prohibit The Sharing Of Tracks Between Zunes!

As if it couldnt get any worse.. now some record labels are not allowing you to take advantage of the Zune's song sharing ability... Jeez...

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hold your Wee for a Wii station axes 10 employees after contestant's death

Ten employees of The End (KDND, 107.9 FM) were fired Tuesday and the "Morning Rave" morning radio show has been canceled in wake of a water-drinking contest Friday that left a Rancho Cordova woman ill hours before she died, apparently of water intoxication.

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AOL phisher faces up to 101 years in prison

Found guilty by a jury, a California man faces time in federal prison for sending out e-mail scams and related crimes.

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Stephen Colbert Helps Explain the Whole AT&T Thing

AT&T just bought Cingular? Cingular was already owned by AT&T? Bell South owns who?! Let Stephen Colbert help you figure this out!

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Engadget Overtakes Netscape In Traffic

Engadget finally overtakes Netscape in terms of overall Alexa rank. Congratulations Engadget!

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A startup for Google founder's fiancee

Anne Wojcicki, the much-liked biotech analyst who got engaged to Sergey Brin of Google over the holidays, has left her job as an analyst in order to start a personal genetics startup called 23 and Me.

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Jay Adelson: Podcasts vs. Television

The astounding thing about Apple TV (formerly iTV) is why it can succeed. Streaming to the set top box is nothing new, but leveraging all your iPod owners / iTunes users to take a baby step into watching content on television is an easy user acquisition bet.

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Is the Internet reaching it's capacity ? Deloitte seems to think so

One of the key possibilities for 2007 is that the Internet could be approaching its capacity. The twin trends causing this are an explosion in demand, largely fueled by the growth in video traffic and the lack of investment in new, functioning capacity. Bottlenecks are likely to become apparent in some of the Internet’s backbones.....

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Monday, January 15, 2007

What Digg Doesn't Like

When digging, one can see various patterns emerge when it comes to topics that Digg users don't like. Here's a nice list of those particular topics that Digg users generally hate....with a passion.

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Flash will kill Blu-ray and HD DVD

In a run up to the next generation console war between Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, Bill Gates said that HD-DVD and Blu-ray are not important, since they represent the last generation of optical media anyway. While many people overlooked the statement, that's pretty much right on target.

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Third Google exploit in 16 days -- this is getting bad

True, Google has been fixing them within hours of being reported, but this is the third serious vulnerability reported in less than a month (and it's still not fixed). This one allows an attacker to hijack a user's Google account by stealing cookies (without the user knowing anything happened at all)

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Dell knowingly sells defected laptops, gets sued by Canada

Dell is facing a lawsuit claiming that the company knowingly and willingly sold laptops to loyal buyers even though they were defective, and this time it's coming from our northerly neighbors. A group of Canadians who purchased toasty Dell lappies have slapped some legal action on Dell through the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

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Why You Shouldn't Leave A Gallon Of Paint With Unsupervised Toddlers

A picture showing why you shouldn't leave a gallon of paint with unsupervised toddlers .

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Digg beats Flickr, and breaks into the top 20 web sites in the US

Moving on up. . .

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Impressions of Windows Vista after One Month of Usage

Chronicle of my use of Windows Vista for a month. Lists software apps that work and any issues I have ran into so far. Notables are Firefox and iPod issues.

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Google Talk to Interoperate with AIM in the 'Near Future'

"I've seen a number of comments on the web regarding the previously announced interoperability plans between AIM and Google Talk, especially as the one-year anniversary of the announcement came up at the end of December...it looks like this should be available in the near future."

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Just how well did Engadget do last Tuesday?

Engadet writer Ryan Block tells all bout there amazing 10 Million page views for Macworld. A good read.

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Gap Giveth, Google Taketh

Like Yahoo and Microsoft before it, Google is looking to open an office in San Francisco, according to the San Francisco Business Times. The report says Google has agreed to lease 210,000 sq. feet at San Francisco’s Hill Plaza

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Napster Buys AOL Music: What Is This Company Doing?

Napster announced the acquisition of AOL Music
’s subscription service. They’ll add 350,000 new subscribers, get promotion on AOL, and pay just $15 million in cash. It’s not a bad deal, except it adds more unprofitable customers to the struggling company, and the company’s war chest just got significantly lighter.

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You want a $100 computer? For $300? No sale!

One Laptop per Child (OLPC), a non-profit organisation with the goal of providing children in developing nations with laptop computers, today announced that "contrary to previously published reports OLPC has no plans to make the XO laptops available for sale to the general public."

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Friday, January 12, 2007

CNET: 13 reasons to doubt the iPhone hype

The honeymoon is over for the iPhone. It's not that we're sick of it already (well, maybe a bit), it's just time for it to answer some questions. Otherwise, it may join the Sony PS3 in the realm of "tech that looks absolutely amazing but is far too expensive for most people to even consider buying."

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Inside The Venice Project, Built On Mozilla

The founders of Kazaa and Skype4 are hoping that The Venice Project will upend the television experience just as their earlier efforts turned the music and phone businesses on their respective heads.

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iPhone Locked To Cingular, But "Bad Guys" Might Unlock It

iPhones will be sold locked to Cingular, but it's possible "bad guys" will unlock them, says Cingular.

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Exclusive - Yahoo Using Dirty Tactics to Switch Google & Firefox Users?

The power struggle between Yahoo and Google for your desktop just took an evil turn, with evidence that suggests Yahoo is covertly trying to switch Google search users without their explicit permission.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wikipedia - $1,000,000 in donations!

"After about two weeks ago there was a huge boost from $402,000 to $689,000 because of one contribution by an anonymous friend on 2006-12-27 at 22:17:00 for the amount of $286,800, Wikipedia is closer than ever from the huge figure"

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Firefox 3 Plans and IE8 Speculation - Browsers Heading Apart Again

Firefox 3 and IE8 are both in the works. It's obvious that IE will continue to hook into the advanced functionality that Vista offers, while Firefox will become more of a vehicle for independent web services (particularly those from Google). So with IE8 and FF3 we will likely see the two biggest browsers head off into different directions.

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Woz on the iPhone and Apple, Inc.

"As I was running down the street to dive into the throngs of nerds at Moscone South, I ran into Steve Wozniak. Yeah, you read that right... Woz, on a Segway... he talked about the iPhone and Apple, Inc."

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iPhone's size when compared to other devices

Kottke made an iPhone's sized cardbox, and compared it to other mobile, iPod, Wiimote, etc..

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Nokia responds to Apple iPhone: "It is surprising that it's not 3G"

As news filters down to CES of the iPhone, Nokia's head of Nseries Computers (the multimedia phones most threatened by iPhone) gives his views, saying that it's good competition, confirms what Nokia's been preaching etc etc. And then slyly points out that the iPhone is 2G, not 3G. I reckon they're worried though.

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How big is the iPhone? Comparison to iPod, iPod nano and SLVR

Shot comparing iPod, Nano, SLVR, along with the new iPhone

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An Initial Analysis on the Apple iPhone(Today Released)

Apple today announced the long awaited iPhone, a device that I predicted about years 1.5 ago that it would happen (I won't forget how a fellow editor from a Mac site emailed me to say that I am crazy after reading my blog back then). But the iPhone is real, and it's public information now. So based on the little we know about the device so far, let

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Steve Jobs Gives 1st Interview After Keynote (Video)

Why wait for the ABC interview tonight, when you can watch Jobs talk post-keynote now? Apple CEO Steve Jobs talks about why Apple pursued the phone industry, the company's name change, the backdated stock scandal and how long he'll stay with Apple.

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50 Real Photos of the Apple iPhone Up Close - NOT THE KEYNOTE PHOTOS!

A gallery of 50 photos of the iPhone up close as it is displayed in the display case. 360 degrees of photos! AMAZING!

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Apple Announces iPhone

Here is a pic of the iPhone from today's keynote. Runs OSX.

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Confirmed: Yahoo Acquires MyBlogLog for $10 Million

Forbes has just confirmed Yahoo
’s purchase of MyBlogLog, the Florida-based blog communities service, for $10 million. That price doesn’t come from Yahoo itself, but from “knowledgeable sources”, they say. Bradley Horowitz, VP of product strategy at Yahoo, said that MyBlogLog would remain a separate entity.

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8 Steps to Grow Your Blog's Community

RSS subscribers, Google juice, links... at the end of the day a successful blog is one that engages readers and that has a healthy community that comments often. Here are 8 steps to help you turn your blog's readers into your evangelists.

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The Digg Comment Algorithm

Everything in this world can be shown as a flowchart algorithm. This, of course, applies to the complex and not well researched field of “Digg comments“. Here’s my humble attempt to define an algorithm which should encompass all of the many possibilities of comment development on Digg. Take this with your tongue firmly in cheek.

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Find your misplaced cell phone with Google Maps' click-to-call

Next time you misplace your cell phone and don't have another phone on hand to call it with, take advantage of the new, free click-to call feature in Google Maps and let them call you!

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Gates says day of the home-help robot is near

An office worker checks her home-gadget webpage from her work computer. The tasks she set for her home robots in the morning have all been completed: washing and ironing, vacuuming the lounge and mowing the lawn.

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Create Fake Google Results

Gooogie.co.uk lets you create customized Google searches that don’t return any results, but a spelling correction instead. No more need to go Google bombing. Let’s hope the site gets filed under “parody,” not “trademark infringement.”

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Mozilla Firefox Cheat Sheet

Get the low down on all the Firefox keyboard shortcuts and useful hints and tips with this Firefox cheat sheet.

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

eBay Jacks Up Prices!

eBay's has decided to start charging sellers higher listing fees and final value fees starting on January 30, 2007. Their way of saying "Happy New Year".

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Basic Networking Commands you should know!

Describes with examples some of the basic networking commands on unix/linux based systems

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Video Games Console Evolution

Although this is not in a precise chronological order, this pictorial gives a pretty good idea about the video game consoles evolution in the last decades

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MySpace Gets Goatse'd!

Jason Scott discovers that MySpace users are hotlinking an image on his site. And not just a few -- this image is being requested over 400,000 times per month. He decides to use the best known method to stop bandwidth leechers: goatse. In two days, he goatse'd over 25,000 people. Hilarious.

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iTunes to get lyrics for ALL your songs automatically. It's coming.

Gracenote maintains the CDDB that enables iTunes to automatically look up song information when you insert a CD. Gracenote has completed licenses with all 5 major music publishers. Gracenote expects the first publicly-available lyric service to launch in early 2007. (...probably right after Steve Jobs announces it at MacWorld.)

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

10 Useful Firefox Extensions That You've Never Heard Of

Just because these extensions don't feature in the top 50, doesn't make them any less useful!

Here are 10 great extensions that don't get glamorized

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Other websites the designers of digg.com have done!

Ever wonder what kind of other websites the designers of digg (SilverOrange) have done? Here is a direct link to their portfolio!

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Click Test! Do you click like other people?

8 different rectangles with shapes inside, just simply click anywhere in the box and go to the next one. At the end see which spot got clicked the most and where you clicked in comparison! It's interesting to see how you compare. I was on the outside of the click chart. See how you compare.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Handy Little CSS Cheat Sheet

Great for CSS newbies, especially the diagram on the box model. A good reference while you get your style feet off the ground.

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Ultimate List of over 150 (!) Free Windows Software from Microsoft

Microsoft has over 150 FREE Windows & Office Programs available for download -- finding them all is extremely difficult . . . until now. My favorites: FolderShare (a P2P application to synchronize folders with other users (or your devices)), Virtual Desktop Manager, Alt-Tab Replacement (however I think that TaskSwitch XP is better) and ISO recorder

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A warning to turn Bluetooth OFF whilst in public!!

After watching this video you'll automatically reach for your phone and turn off its Bluetooth feature.......or risk a hefty fine!

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Windows Vista Ultimate, A Hands On Diary by Toms Hardware

To get my input on Windows Vista, Microsoft offered to loan me an Acer Ferrari 1000 with the release to manufacture (RTM) version of Vista Ultimate, a Vista pizza with every feature of the OS included. The notebook would also come with the RTM version of Office 2007. Who could resist? I told them to send it with all due speed.

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Does Digg Belong in Google Results?

Do you feel that Digg listings should be ranked highly in Google, omitted, supplemented or perhaps penalized a point or two below the initial story they are linking to?

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Linkstr Exchange

Linkstr Exchange is a link exchange with a social twist. Like other link exchanges ads are shown on other sites in the link exchange network to benefit both parties. However, unlike other link exchanges Linkstr Exchange network sites are rated by site visitors and based on this rating your ad will be shown more often than lesser rated ads.

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